Courage To
Look Within​

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Make Room
For Something
Bigger Than

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After choosing a domain name, you’ll need to personalize your book blog by creating a logo and setting up essential pages. Your logo should be easily recognizable and unique, and your essential pages should include an “About” page, a “Contact” page, and legal pages such as a privacy policy and terms of service.


For a long time I lived from a space of self-reliance and self-attribution. I seriously believed I needed to control everything for the perfect outcome. Why did I think this way? Why was I so resistant to letting help in? The insane amount of pressure I put on myself was unhealthy and debilitating. I did not know that back then which is why I share it today. My vision is to help our generation and future generations be ok with letting go and letting god. While it is valuable to have a high sense of accountability it serves us no good if we are our own worst critic and block the miracles life wants to unfold for us. The need for perfectionism is outdated and fragmented all on its own. When I was a little girl and developing as a young woman I aimed for perfectionism not knowing I was already made perfect in his image. 

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” – Genesis 1:26

No one told me this though so how would I know? My parents did the best they could to instill a strong foundation, but our family priorities were different back then. Mom raised us by herself and good grace. Possibly why I developed a strong backbone and lots of doubt, insecurity and worry. Our parents do the best they can from the level of consciousness they are in. I love you mom and dad, no hard feelings. I promise. Thank you for being the vessel from which my twin sister and I were created.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” –Ecclesiastes 3:11

This bible verse makes so much sense today. Back then I was an unpruned, underdeveloped, uninformed, and in a rush. Why was I in such a rush? We can blame it on immaturity or unresolved soul doings. Kidding, let us not blame anyone or any external reasoning. We are presented with information when it is our time to learn and develop. God’s timing is perfect and in no rush so why should we be? It is definitely much easier said than done, but it is up to us to change the narrative of our lives. Who we choose to be today is our decision and no one else’s fault or responsibility.  The great thing about growing up is we get to decide for ourselves. God placed autonomy over our minds and actions.

Today I share with you that it is ok to make mistakes, it is ok to try and fail, it is ok to change your mind, it is ok to not know an outcome. What is not ok is to sit there and let life pass you by. If there is something you love about yourself or others acknowledge it and celebrate it. If there are things you do not like about yourself forgive yourself, forgive your parents, and forgive anyone you find linked to that negative emotion. Follow to take proactive measures and create change. MAKE ROOM FOR SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOURSELF because when you do you’ll take a burden off yourself and you’ll make room for your highest potential. In order to make room for the best days of your life you must get out of your own way or invite all of yourself in.   XOXO– TheLightHouseKeeper

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

Make Room For Something Bigger Than Yourself

© Lighthouse Keeper Blog 2023